From the Triadics Family
On behalf of the Triadics family, we would like to once again welcome and thank everyone who has joined Trike Talk and Triadics. We are also extending an invitation to everyone to join who has not yet done so.
Triadics was conceived by Jim “Hillbilly” Sickler as an alternative to a corporate structured entity where folks could get back to the “roots” of it all.
Our Triadics family is built on three - three wheels and three principles - Family, Truth, and Loyalty. Triadics is structured like a “family tree” with branches. Each branch consists of a Branch Leader, a Ride Leader, and a Branch Recorder. The branches meet monthly or even more often. It is our mission to provide a family atmosphere where folks with a love of triking and riding can join to fellowship together, swap tech talk, ride and provide a positive presence in the community. Trikes have three wheels, but everyone with a love for the open road on 2, 3, 4, or 5 wheels (or however you roll) is welcome.
Did we mention there are no dues? That’s right! It costs you nothing to join and you will never be pressured to participate in any specific ride or event. No patches are required, but patches, t-shirts, hats and other items are now available on our Triadics Country Store and we accept Paypal or mail orders. Everything sold will be at minimum cost, with no salary or profit going to any individual in the group. All group business will be voted on by all the members, with no one person having more say than the next.
Anyone who has not yet joined is welcome to come aboard and become a part of our family to join in on the gatherings soon to come. Everyone will have an oportunity to take part in charitable events and receive all the benefits of being associated with a family network focused on supporting its members and having a great time together. There will be no obligation to donate any time or money. So, there you have it - no dues, ride whatever and whenever you want, and help us give back to the community, while you hang out with some good ol’ guys and gals.
If you’d like to know more, check us out at Triadics.net and click Forum or Website. Forum takes you to Triadics Face Book page, where you can participate in our discussions after joining. Click Website to access a Triadics member application on the home page. Click the red button, "click to JOIN TRIADICS" and fill out the member application form. It can be filled out online or printed and mailed. Only the branch leader in your area will be provided with your information, so you can be informed about the closest branch to you and stay in contact with your local group.
Triadics is growing by leaps and bounds. We currently have nine branches with another one in the works and members in 25 states. A list of the branches, with locations, contact information for the Branch Leaders and meeting schedules, can be found on the members and branches page of the Triadics website. Click on the blue Triadics.net link above or go to Triadics.net and click Website, then go to the members & branches page.
We want to thank everyone who chose to join us at our first family reunion on June 5, 6 & 7 at the Wanderlust Campground in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It created a wonderful opportunity to reunite with old friends and make new ones in a beautiful area that offers spectacular rides and awesome attractions.
Everyone is always welcome at our family reunions and we hope to see you at our next one.
Remember - it costs you nothing to be a member of Triadics!
​John Wiliams Leader- International Coordinator
Ozarks Trikers
Jim “Hillbilly Jim” Sickler - Founder